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Yes I'd like some cheese with my whine. |
Time for another meme! Let's gather around the screen, get nice and cozey, don't forget to turn off your phones and tell RL to take a hike for a few! I almost called this my top 10 SL Fails, but we're trying to be positive this week and I'm ever so glad, because my weekend consisted of wet dog, 3 very rowdy teenagers and non stop, soggy, rain in Seattle.
So without further a doodad....
- First SL Friend: lol wow I did the Lucky chair hop too! I even did those money tree things for weeks oi vey. Sookie Galdonado, I met while playing another online game and she is the
fiendfriend responsible for bringing me to Second Life. And we relished in the 3D hour glass figures, the unlimited supply of freebies and the Lucky chair hops. We were roomies for years before I took a breather from SL. We're still friends to this day, and she's back on SL causing men's hearts to fail :P - First SL Kiss: See here's the thing, I've always thought pixel s**, or any poseball 'action' was a bit wonky. Never derived anything other than a great picture or good reading material O.O But I am going to out the avie I shared a poseball kiss with! Dancingstorm Acoustic.. I think we were partnered for all of 2 weeks until I went all 'needy' :P
- First SLex time/place/partner: lmao uhmmmmm..see above answer. So curious we all are, huh!
- First SL Partner/Girlfriend/Boyfriend/Wife/Husband: Yep see answer #2. He rarely plays SL anymore but we remained friends off world.
- First SL Job: Real Estate Owner/Manager.. I never really got 'paid' more than I had to 'invest'. So technically my first SL paid job, was a stripper at Club Velvet Manor and that actually paid really well *my turn to cough*
- First SL Creation: A greeting card with my very own hover text script! Thought I was BadA** then too.
- First Encounter with a Linden: 2011 when the club (Club Velvet Manor) kept having lag issues. I think this is when LL was doing some big haul or do-over with their servers, can't really remember what. All I know is that our events would lag horribly at about 1pm SLT every day, and a Linden helped us figure out that there was another sim sharing our server that was lagtastic in its own right. Wish I could remember his name :/
- First Encounter with a SLebrity: oh dear, this one's kind of boring on my end lol. Are designers considered SLebrities? I've met so many during the Velvet Manor days, Xaviar Thunder of XTC, Milu Laval of Atame, SayaNicole Cuttita of Envious...those were some :/
- First SL Sim you fell in love with: Palekaiko Estates, aka Tyra. So this is the rental estate my business partner and I owned for over a year. And I fell in love with it first and foremost because it was a place where I could practice terraforming and landscaping to my hearts content. This is also where my sis Cougar Sangria, came to live and grow and learn all that is Second Life. This was home to a lot of my friends (and yeah they were tenants too). Someday I hope to be able to do something similar again and create a 'home' for whomever needs a head start in their immersion to the virtual life.
- First SL Blog Post: LOL oh lordy.. (Strawberry, your lashes are epic compared to fashionewbies like me who loses them constantly) Right.. so this.. was my first post and if you're still awake, just a warning its a terribly long read.
Auwe! This meme got me to look through past pictures too and wow.. I've learned so much. The help is out there, for anyone who wants to start an SL blog, about whatever topic. Just takes a bit of sleuthing, and patience. So really, these were not 10 fails of my Second Life after all.. but more like 10 stepping stones to a better one :-)
Thanks again Strawberry, and +5000 for keeping it real..
DO hop on over to her website and get in on the action (and I mean that very PG like)
Top>T Junction's Dorkalicious Shirt
Bottom>Tres Blah's Light Denim Cutoff shorts
Shoes>Toki-Doki's Studded Loafers
Hair>Magika's Later
Skin>Izzie's Asia in peach
Eyes>Ibanez Soft Glow Eyes Circe Light
Stool> what next Finsbury Stools (Hot Seat) FLF Find
Absolutely not fails at all! It was so much fun reading yours, thank you! <3
I laughed through your entire post! I, too, am needy :)
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